We offer a comprehensive graphic design and illustrative service. Please contact for a price based on your project, or alternatively:
1). Make sure you choose the correct templates for your option from the list below. When using the templates please be aware that the magenta line that is visible in most of the templates shows the trim line. Make sure you keep all of your logos and text at least 3mm inside this trim guide. This area, (the safety area) in most cases is denoted by a pale blue guide on the template. The bleed area will be marked by a pale pink guide. ‘Bleed’ is the distance that your artwork must extend past the trim mark and usually 3mm. This ensures that once trimmed there can be no unsightly white edges showing.
2). Make sure all your design work is created in documents that are set to 300ppi (print resolution) and that any images that are ‘imported’ or ‘placed’ are also in 300ppi resolution if graphics, or a large pixel x pixel size or file size if photographs. This is to guarantee a good quality print finish to your artwork. Any photographs that are used should be of a sufficiently large pixel x pixel size as to come out well in print. Remember, large images and photo’s can be scaled down to fit artwork but small image cannot be scaled up.
3). When you have finished your artwork, if you are sufficiently experienced in preparing files for print then please send as print ready CMYK PDF’s complete with trim marks. If you are not so familiar with preparing artwork for print then please send as an ‘un-flattened’ .PSD (Adobe Photoshop) Photoshop Ai (Adobe Illustrator) or .INDD (Adobe InDesign) making sure you include any linked images and font files or create font outlines and we can make ready at this end, and check that everything is ok.
4)Artwork for DTG print should be supplied where possible with transparent backgrounds in RGB or CMYK no larger than 300mm x 450mm in 300dpi. No template or bleed area is necessary.
5). Send artwork via your own preferred file transfer method (ie: Dropbox, Wetransfer, Google Drive etc) to or place download links in the order form.
Please make sure before you send your audio or video that you are
either the copyright owner or an authorised agent of the copyright owners.
Duplication and Replication of Audio CD:
• Complete DDPi (Direct Disc Protocol Image) via file transfer hosts such as Dropbox or Wetransfer. Ask your engineer. Make sure it contains any text info and codes you may want
• Correctly labelled WAV or AIF (or other lossless format) as 16 bit 44.1khz files via file transfer host. If you are converting from any other bit depth or sample rate, please check thoroughly for changes in pitch. If you have ISRC codes please enclose a document with them on.
• Master disc via post. IT WILL BE COPIED DIRECTLY
Cram Duplication
Media House
Wormingford Road
Duplication Of Cassette Tape:
• Audio must be mastered for cassette duplication. Ask your mastering engineer or alternatively we can supply a mastering service for £40.
• Complete DDPi for side A & B (Direct Disc Protocol Image) via file transfer host.
• 16 bit 44.1khz WAV or AIF (or other lossless format) supplied as continuous audio per side or individual tracks via file transfer host
• Master disc for each side A & B via post. Please ensure that these master discs are created in one session (DAO). THEY WILL BE COPIED DIRECTLY.
Cram Duplication
Media House
Wormingford Road
Duplication or Replication of Video DVD:
Please send a fully checked and authored master DVD via post
Vinyl Pressing:
• WAV, AIF of other lossless format.
• Format: WAV / AIFF
• Bit depth: 16 / 24 / 32bit
• Sample rate: 44,1 / 48 / 88,2 / 96 / 176,4 / 192 kHz
• Ideally your audio will have been professionally mastered for vinyl.
• PQ/Cue sheet containing correct track names, durations and spacing including side split.
• Recommended maximum running time for 7 inch is 5 minutes and 22 minutes for 12 inch. This can be exceeded but may result in some loss of volume. Test Pressings are recommended for all pressings.
• Coloured/effect/transparent vinyl has different properties to standard black vinyl. As a result you may experience some higher than normal background noise or needle hiss compared to black. This varies based on colour. For up to date feedback on each specific colour/effect
combination please get in touch.
We prefer audio data in one file for each side with included gaps between songs. If each
track is a separated file, it needs to be named correctly ie: ‘A1 Intro’ or ‘B5 Outro’.
Regardless of the choice – the tracklist must contain: sides, order of songs, their duration
and start time.
Audio master must be VINYL READY (not CD, Spotify, Soundcloud, etc.)
Unprepared audio will cause artefacts and it’s necessary to lower the cutting level to minimise them
Tips for producers:
1. Peaks and true peaks must be below -0.1 dBFS.
2. Bypass limiters and hardworking compressors on master bus.
3. Full monophonization below 200-300Hz is a must, everything at lows must be in phase.
4. Overall phase correlation should balance 0,5 to +1 (+1 are ideal scenario).
5. Stereo base should be 6-9dB lower than mid informations (mid-side coding)
6. Highpassfilter at 30Hz and lowpassfilter at 16kHz.
7. Highly de-essed vocals and moderate high frequencies. Trebles can’t jump out from the
Why is my record not loud enough? Generally there are 3 main reasons:
• Over-compressed material: that is a real struggle for the cutterhead to clear transfer masters
when they doesn’t contain dynamics. Please bypass your hardworking compressors/limiters. More dynamics included in masters = easier to transfer it clear and
• Sibilances: high frequencies are easiest to overdrive. De-esser should reduce much
harder than in digital medium. The biggest risk are at vocals, trumpets or synths based on
saw sine.
Please also be aware of that when it’s closer to the label – loss of high frequencies and risk
of sibilance distortion also increases. We strongly suggest putting the most aggressive songs on
beginning of side and lower the impact of music towards label.
• Side length: If there are no problems mentioned above, you can fit almost everything
regarding to attached timetable (depends on genre/dynamics also). Fitting more material
are straightway related with volume loss and lower signal-to-noisefloor ratio.
If you have questions about any aspect of the specification above, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Cassette Templates | PSD | |
Cassette Sticker | ||
Cassette Full On-Body | ||
Cassette J-Card(2 panel) | ||
Cassette Maltese Cross | ||
Rave Case Insert |